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Jamestown Sanitary District selects Nobel Systems for Enterprise Asset and Operational Management Pl

The Jamestown Sanitary District has selected Nobel Systems to provide its GeoViewer Enterprise GIS Asset and Operational Management System. The district will also use Nobel’s Sewer Line Cleaning and Sewer Manhole Inspection modules, and the DigMark module. All modules integrate with GeoViewer’s overall GIS/IoT Cloud-based management system. 

The Jamestown Sanitary District (JSD), which provides sewer collection and treatment within the serviced boundaries of Jamestown, California, seeks to streamline its data collection and operational system management. 

Nobel System’s GeoViewer Sewer Manhole Inspection and Sewer Line Cleaning modules will enable the district to maintain up-to-date and accurate records of its sewer maintenance operations. JSD will use DigMark to manage Dig Alert service tickets via the cloud.

Previously, the district utilized two different software systems and manually inputted non-GIS collected data into AutoCAD to create a visual representation, which is a time-consuming process.

GeoViewer is a cloud-based GIS / IoT asset management system that will give the sanitary district access to real-time data at its fingertips. GeoViewer is easy to use and synchronizes GIS data, ticket information, reports, and other critical information between the field and the office in real-time. The enterprise asset management system also provides access to all property data within a district, including owner information, address, parcel number, property characteristics, and maintenance history.

How the GeoViewer Sewer Line Cleaning Module Works

The Sewer Line Cleaning Module collects and manages data related to cleaning dates and frequency. Messages are pushed daily to GeoViewer Mobile with the number of line segments that need cleaning.

The module lists the line segments that need cleaning and visually displays them on a color-coded map. Red shows line segments due for cleaning beyond an acceptable tolerance, e.g., 15 days, yellow identifies segments due for cleaning within acceptable limits, and green show lines that do not need cleaning.

Selecting a line in the list displays a form that helps the operator collect information and add any necessary attachments such as photos.

Collecting GIS Data with the GeoViewer Sewer Manhole Inspection Module

Using the Sewer Manhole Inspection Module, the district will be able to collect GIS data for sewer maintenance holes within the district. Users can input information related to defects and flows and attach images to each inspection report using GeoViewer Mobile. The data synchronizes with GeoViewer Online (desktop) to generate reports on data collected in the field.

DigMark Synchronizes Data from DigAlert Tickets

Jamestown will also utilize Nobel Systems’ GeoViewer DigMark module. The module automatically alerts sanitation and water utility districts about Dig Alert tickets. It extracts information from the tickets and synchronizes it so users in the field can immediately view it with a mobile device.

The GeoViewer DigMark module’s built-in synchronization mechanism allows single users to check out a ticket; at the same time notifying colleagues and supervisors that the ticket is currently under work. The user can enter comments or choose from a customizable drop-down menu. Field users can take photos and attach them directly to the ticket.

Once a form is filled out, the ticket status can be changed to complete. This will notify all other users the ticket is completed, and it is then removed from the list. The synchronization framework encompasses the latest technology and ensures the most updated DigAlert tickets are received from the server and synchronizes completed or in-progress tickets without user intervention.

About Jamestown Sanitary District

The Jamestown Sanitary District is a Special District formed on June 11, 1940, to address the lack of sewage collection and treatment generally within the unincorporated town of Jamestown.  It serves the residents of Jamestown and is an independent special district.

About Nobel Systems

Nobel Systems is among the largest geographic information system firms that have GIS and GIS hosting services as its sole focus. The company is headquartered in San Bernardino, California, and employs experienced geospatial professionals, specializing in Enterprise GIS integration, software development, GIS administration, and GIS Cloud Solutions. Learn more at

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